Steam Chemical Indicator Type 5 (RRS 14-11530)

Steam Chemical Indicator type 5 (RRS 14-11530) is the most accurate of the internal Chemical Indicators. This chemical indicator is designed to react to all critical variables (temperature, time, and vapor quality). Place the RRS Type 5 indicator inside any package or tray that can be sterilized with steam. Place the indicator at least in the two opposite corners to ensure that steam has access to inaccessible areas.


  • Contain of autoclave adhesive
  • Trusted
  • Easy to use
  • Ability to record specifications

Steam Chemical Indicator Type 5 (RRS 14-11530)

The SVs of the RRS chemical indicator is at 121°C/250°F, 135°C/276°F, and at least one more temperature in between.

Steam Chemical Indicator class 5 (RRS 14-11530) before being placed in the steam autoclave

Result of RRS Steam Chemical Indicator Type 5

The RRS chemical indicator type 5 is produced with inks that are highly sensitive to steam sterilization parameters. The color change of indicator type 5 is from green to black. The color change according to the reference indicates whether the sterilization process has been successful or not. If the color of the indicator does not change, the correct operation of the device should be checked by the technical manager.

Steam Chemical Indicator class 5 (RRS 14-11530) after being placed in the steam autoclave

Record the results of the chemical indicator type 5 color change in the RRS CSSD Documentation NoteBook.


  • Do not expose the RRS chemical indicator to ethylene oxide, dry heat, or any other physical or chemical sterilization process other than steam.
  • The chemical indicator should not be wetted.
Specifications of the Steam Chemical Indicator class 5 (RRS 14-11530)

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Please Check out file at the following link

Steam Chemical Indicator type 5 (RRS 14-11540)

Dry Heat Chemical Indicator type 6 (RRS 14-15610)

Steam Chemical Indicator type 6 (RRS 14-11650)

Steam Chemical Indicator type 6 (RRS 14-110)

Steam Chemical Indicator type 6 (RRS 14-11620)
